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<% Dim strsql, lv_today lv_today = left(now(),8) strsql = "select * from event" & _ " where ev_category = '" & "event" & _ "' and ev_end >= now() order by ev_start" set objrs = objconn.execute(strsql) Do while not objrs.eof Response.write "" If not objrs.eof then response.write "" end if Loop %>
Making a World of Difference by Roy McCloughry and Wayne Morris
Making a World of Difference seeks to respond to the agenda being set by disabled people. The slogan 'Nothing about us without us' underlies the changes brought about by the disability movement, with its emphasis on the empowerment of disabled people and the importance of empowerment as an issue of human rights.
Living in the Presence of the Future
by Roy McCloughry
This book deals with a wide range of issues which we are currently living with including gender roles, politics, global change, technology and the future of the Church. It asks the question, how are we to live as Christians in the extraordinary pace of change which is happening all around us. Price £8.99 (£7.50 web orders)

Hearing Men's Voices by Roy McCloughry
This book challenges men to identify their priorities, what gives meaning to their lives. It asks us to listen to what men are saying. Above all it is an urgent plea for men to rediscover spirituality and with it a new identity. Price £6.99 (£5.00 web orders)

Belief in Politics by Roy McCloughry
Where do political leaders find the principals behind their policies? How do personal faith and morality come in? When is conscience more important than party loyalty? Some of the questions Roy McCloughry puts to political leaders. The answers provide a fascinating perspective to the battle for belief in politic today. Price £7.99 (£5.00 web orders)

The Eye of the Needle by Roy McCloughry
This book stimulates us to think more deeply about the value of the Kingdom of God in our contemporary culture. Roy McCloughry suggest how the Church as the signpost to God's kingdom can offer our culture the direction it so desperately needs. £5.00 web orders

Taking Action
by Roy McCloughry
A book giving practical advise about influencing society for good at a local, national and global level.
Price £3.99 (£2.00 web orders)


Population Growth and Christian Ethics
by Roy McCloughry

Price £2.25

Men without Masks
by Roy McCloughry and Roger Murphy


Price £1.95

Aids: A Christian Response
by Roy McCloughry and Carol Bebawi

Price £2.25

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Making a World of Difference
Living in the Presence of the Future
Hearing Men's Voices
Belief in Politics
The Eye of the Needle
Taking Action
Population Growth
Men without Masks
Aids: A Christian Response

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Kingdom Trust
30a Musters Road
West Bridgford
Tel: 0115 945 5542
Fax: 0115 945 5542
Reg. Charity: 326924

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